I served as the Creative Director for all teams within the RIT Chapter of the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts for the 2015-2016 year-long project. The Creative Director holds the leadership role of conceptualizing a visual theme, graphic, and layout design for a 112-page published mixed-material book of research papers and corresponding digital e-book and/or app publication. Each chapter produces these publications to compete in the international TAGA Conference for excellence in areas utilizing the most diverse and attractive design, imaging, and printing techniques.

The 2016 Digital Edition of the TAGA Journal was designed in Adobe inDesign and distributed as a .ePub document. All animation and interactivity were included via Adobe inDesign Digital Publishing tools. The eBook utilizes the iBooks API to program the table of contents in-app navigation for the publication. This API was coded and edited using Calibre and .xHTML markup language. This digital publication is a mobile, tablet and desktop compatible counterpart to the print edition of the RIT 2016 TAGA Journal.
TAGA is an acronym for the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts. This publication and all additional assets, workflow, and design for the 2016 edition is the product of the Rochester Institute of Technology TAGA Chapter’s team of undergraduate students. TAGA publications are collections of printing and graphic arts field research that is published competitively for excellence in content, design, and printing.