Through a 5 week course in Silkscreen Fundamentals at Shoestring Press, I learned and practiced multiple styles of silkscreen printing and studied the process involved in building image overlays appropriately. I created various designs by hand and created screens using hand-cut acetate layers and/or paint pens onto transparency sheets.
I discovered that my background in darkroom photography became a transferrable skill on this handmade art when creating negatives from drawings, and exposing them to a metal screen in an ink-based chemical process.
Planning a full color print intuitively requires forecasting for: the spot colors mixed, the secondary colors that will be generated through multiple printed areas, where these layers imprinted into the screens will or will not blend together in the final print, the density of inks mixed, and the order which they are printed.


Left: "Feet With Yeet", Right: "Self Portrait"

Left: "Hot Dog Stand", Right: "Taking a Bath Just To Feel Something"